MyLogView Registration Page


Welcome to the MyLogView registration page. MyLogview is a flexible QRZ logbook display solution that I (Doug Rinker, AD9DT) developed - I'm offering it at no charge to interested users. It allows you, as an XML-level QRZ subscriber (or higher), to easily embed an iframe snippet into your QRZ bio page, or other personal/group page(s), for a customizable display of some portion of your QRZ logbook. That portion can be fetched directly from your current "fresh" QRZ logbook records, or from an uploaded ADIF file, or be displayed as an automatic seamless merging of both. In addition to displaying via an iframe in a page, you can also show the display full-screen using a direct URL.

When the web page containing your display loads, up to 300 current QSO records are fetched and displayed directly from your QRZ Logbook via the QRZ API -- you simply provide your logbook API key when you register (note that only FETCH (read-only) operations are done, no data is ever changed in your actual QRZ logbook). Also, an ADIF file can be used as a source for the display either in addition to, or instead of, the QRZ Logbook API --- roughly 5000 QSOs can be displayed from an ADIF file which can be up to 5MB in size (the ADIF file is created by you by exporting from QRZ, or HRD, or LOTW, or Clublog, etc, and then uploaded once to this service via the simple all-purpose form below). The display can show records only from the QRZ API, only from the ADIF file, or as a seamless merging of both sources -- this allows the most recent QSO records to come from the QRZ API, and the merged records from an ADIF file allow viewers to scroll back in time through many hundreds or even thousands of records with no gaps (assuming the ADIF file is recent enough). The QSO records can be displayed from any time period covered by the source records, and with a variety of filters, multiple sorting levels, and with configurable columns -- you choose the number and type of columns and the order of the columns from left to right.

The somewhat unique challenge solved by this service (a key "feature") is that the display is constructed and updated completely on this service's server with no need for javascript in the html page -- this makes the display compatible with the no-javascript policy of QRZ's bio pages. I have made QRZ headquarters aware of this service and they have approved of my service's use of the QRZ Logbook API for these purposes.

Not a QRZ subscriber? MyLogView does its best work when utilizing the QRZ Logbook API and/or QRZ ADIF files as the source for logbook data, and some level of paid QRZ subscription is needed to access the QRZ API and ADIF files for your logbook. However, even if you are not a QRZ subscriber, you can still make use of MyLogView to display exported ADIF files (up to 5MB in size), from other logbook systems that support ADIF file exports, such as LOTW, Ham Radio Deluxe, and Clublog (these have been tested, but any source of compliant ADIF files should work; also note that the amount of QSO information and supported QSO fields in exported ADIF files varies from application to application and depends on what info you supply to those applications).


An example iframe that demonstrates the standard tabular display and the "Display Editor" capabilities is provided at the bottom of this page - it uses my QRZ logbook data (AD9DT).


I use AWS cloud services for all aspects of the service, which include the LAMP-stack server, secure encrypted S3 storage, and global CDN (to ensure fast loads anywhere). These services are very robust with high availability and security. All data/files you supply when registering or updating your record are securely stored and encrypted "at rest". All related communications over the public internet are done securely via https (encrypted) protocol. Accuracy and availability of logbook data itself is subject to QRZ's API service. ADIF files that you might export from various logbook sources may be lacking information in certain fields. The QRZ logbook and its exported ADIF files generally contain/support the the most complete set of QSO info (in my experience) and merged records from the QRZ API and a QRZ ADIF will tend to look identical, while, at the other end of the spectrum, LOTW ADIF file exports contain only minimal QSO info.


I am offering this service for free to any interested XML-level (or higher) QRZ subscribers. I would like to get feedback from other users on how well it works for your needs, any issues you might encounter, and any additional features you would like to see.

To register for your own MyLogView iframe snippet and full-page URL (again, it's free), simply complete and submit the registration form below. When submitting the form you'll automatically be routed to a confirmation page that shows your current account info, your iframe code snippet, the direct full-page viewing URL (for direct use in a browser or for making links to the display on any page), and working demos of the actual display of your QSO records. If you provide both an API key and an ADIF file, you will see a demo display of your merged records from both sources. If you wish to embed the iframe on a page outside of the domain (eg, on your own personal or club website), you will need to provide the domain in the "Additional Domain" field on the form (eg, -- this allows the service to set the proper permissions for cross-domain iframe operation. Once you get the iframe code and URL on the confirmation page, you are then free to use these on your own pages as you wish, including on your QRZ bio page! Please copy and paste these to a document for retention; note that you can always come back to this form and simply submit with callsign and password to see the confirmation page again, along with the iframe code, URL, and demo display.

Note that there is a very simple way to then customize your display if you wish: simply use the "Display Editor" integrated in the display panel to change the sorting, column definition, and filtering as you want, click "Update Display" to see the changes, and then scroll to the very bottom of the QSO records table to see the new URL and iframe snippet that will provide that exact same customized display!


The API Key can be found as follows. Login to (you need to be an XML-level subscriber, or higher, to have an API key), then on the main navigation go to Resources > Documentation > QRZ Logbook API Integration - then find your API key under the section called "QRZ Logbook API as an End User". Or, while on your QRZ Logbook page, click "Settings" and find the API key on the "Settings" page. Just copy and paste your logbook's API Key into the API Key field below (it will be stored in secure encrypted AWS S3 storage that is not accessible to the public, and any transmission of the key over the internet to the QRZ API interface is encrypted via secure https protocols).

Please understand that asking for your API key is unavoidable if you want to display your most recent "live" QRZ logbook records with a third-party service (as you probably already know if you've used other mainstream apps that integrate with QRZ) -- there is simply no other way to access fresh QRZ logbook data. I am the sole developer/maintainer of this service, and I can assure you that no one else receives or has access to the info you submit; also note that only FETCH (read-only) operations are done via the API, so no data is ever changed in your actual QRZ logbook. For those who, for whatever reason, might still feel uncomfortable providing their QRZ API key (even though it's stored by the service in a very secure way), the service can still be used with just a single uploaded ADIF file, the downside being, of course, that QSOs logged after the ADIF was created will not be displayed.


A quick-start guide and detailed user guide are being completed and will be available soon - stay tuned. In the meantime, the information on this registration page, on the confirmation/demo page you see after registration, and in the display demo explanations at the bottom of the confirmation page should get you off and running -- the MyLogView display and its "Display Editor" interface is straightforward and intuitive.

Many thanks for your interest in MyLogView! Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Doug Rinker - AD9DT
See MyLogView as an iframe on my QRZ bio page

Registration / Change Form


Use this form for both initial registration and for any subsequent changes or additions.

If registering for the first time, enter the password that you'll need to use in the future to make any additions / changes.

Empty fields will not affect information previously provided for those fields.

If wishing to change any value you previously submitted in the "name", "email", "API Key", or "additional domain" fields, simply enter new information to override the previous information for a given field.

If wishing to change your existing password, enter both your existing password (in the "password" field) as well as the new password in the "New Password" field.

Multiple ADIF files can be supported, but only one ADIF file can be uploaded per submittal - simply submit the form for each file you wish to use in your various displays; note that uploading an ADIF file which has the same name as one previously uploaded will replace the previous file.

The account record is tied to the callsign, so be careful to always use the same correct callsign when submitting.

If wishing to close an existing account and delete all associated files and info, simply check the "delete-your-account" checkbox at the end of the form and then submit (currently this is the only way to delete previously uploaded ADIF files from storage); after this action, you may re-register using the same callsign at any time. .

For support or questions, please email

At least one of the following two QSO record sources need to be provided for the MyLogView display to work (ie, on initial registration, provide EITHER your QRZ API key or an ADIF file, OR BOTH (for a merged display). If you are only updating your account, these can both be left blank and your prior key/file submittals will continue to be used.


MyLogView Demo (using iframe)

Below is a demonstration of MyLogView displayed via iframe using my QRZ logbook data (your iframe can be set to any width or height). You can see the same display working on my QRZ AD9DT bio page. (Note that the display looks and operates the same if using an ADIF file as the source.) The table is scrollable, and the records can be sorted, filtered, and displayed with a variety of column fields (16 fields are available, and you may display as few or as many columns as you wish). Just click the yellow "Open Display Editor" button (upper left) to experiment with changing and updating the display. If you scroll to the very bottom of the table, you'll see the URL string and a clickable link to see how the display works in its own full page.